Impara una lingua...

E fai nuove amicizie!

Impara con uno studente madrelingua come te o con un insegnante di lingue di Spellian

CONTATTACI Per prenotare on-line una lezione prova, o per organizzare un incontro presso la tua scuola

La piattaforma Spellian è sviluppata per conversazioni stimolanti ed educative

Spellian offre preparazione per tutti i principali esami di lingue
  • "The programme is very unique: our students love the real life experience of speaking weekly with a native boy or girl, something that is difficult to achieve within the classroom"Director of studies at Colegio Claret, Barcelona
  • "The questions are great, the prompts are helpful and my partner is super nice!"Y10 student at The Godolphin and Latymer School, London
  • "Spellian has given me the opportunity to improve my Spanish and also to befriend a native Spanish person. Every week we speak over videocall with the support of prompted questions on topics that are part of the GCSE so perfect for the exam."Y10 student at The Godolphin and Latymer School
  • Our students love the unique opportunity that Spellian offers to make immediate progress on their chosen foreign languages, learn about other countries' cultures and make friends around Europe.

Scuole partecipanti


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